Online shop with articles for handicrafts. With us, you can buy a dog mannequin or sewing patterns for clothes for dogs.

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy of our Store


Thank you for purchasing our products. In connection with the purchase, we have been provided with personal data necessary to perform the order - contract. The administrator of personal data is our website Crafts for animals.

The processing of personal data takes place in order to conclude and perform the contract, fulfill the obligations imposed on the Administrator by law, as well as to pursue or defend against any claims arising from the contract and arising from the Administrator's legitimate interest. The basis for the processing are the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016, hereinafter: GDPR, and specifically art. 6 sec. 1 letter b, c and f. We process only the basic data that is necessary to perform the order - contract - name, surname, address - possibly e-mail address and telephone number. Access to personal data will be available to authorized employees of the Administrator and entities cooperating with the Administrator or providing support services to the administrator, including accounting, HR and IT services, where such entities process data on the basis of contracts concluded with the administrator and in accordance with his instructions. You have the right to: request access to data, rectification, deletion (if the storage period referred to above has expired). If you believe that the provisions of the GDPR have been violated when processing your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

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